Introduction of Vertically Integrated Brand Concept
which is formulated «Neroscience X Consumer Insight + SNS Ideas»
-In order to build a brand that continues to capture the heart of consumers,
we will include neuroscience, consumer insights and social networking ideas in the product/brand concept-

As we continued to pursue consumer insights, we met Neuroscience

Neuroscience has achieved rapid progress through FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) developed by Professor Seiji Ogawa in 1990.
Neuroscience is still in the developing stage and new discoveries are being made by neuroscientists and psychologists even at this now moment.
Depending on the experimental methods and results, opinions and hypotheses sometimes differ among the scientists in neuroscience.
We use the concepts that have reached the consensus among the neuroscientists.

In the past, the brain was thought to passively receive the outside information through its five senses and processes the information in a manner of bottom up. The recent view is, however, quite the opposite.
The brain continuously predicts things and events using its past concepts, corrects prediction errors, and updates the past concepts in 1/1000 seconds, in response to changing external situations (environments) and internal situations (internal bodily senses).
The brain uses intrinsically connected large-scale networks which are consisted by various brain parts for its predictions and prediction corrections.

The brain performs cognitive functions important for marketing, such as attention, perception, making meanings, memory, analysis, choice and decision making.
The precious findings about the brain functions discovered by the scientists are significant not only for brain dysfunctional patients and AI development, but also for marketing.

"Why are consumers not acting as per the survey results? "
"How is the product value transmitted to the subconscious of consumers? "
"How does intuitive impulse buying happen? "
"Why is brand loyalty increased when emotions move? "
"How can we design the emotional interaction between people and things? "
"How can we solve the perceptional difference of brand image among people involved in brand business? "
"How can we bridge the communication gap between corporate marketer and designer? "

In order to answer many questions such as above mentioned ones that came through marketing practices, we had continued studying a wide range of consumer insight concepts such as decision-making process, psychology (human needs, values, personality and emotions), lifestyle and mega-trend, behavioral economics, semantic memory and episodic memory, semiotics, images and designs.
After twelve years of pursuing consumer insights, we found out that we needed to understand the brain function which is the essence of the consumer insight to solve our questions.
Studying neuroscience took entirely three years though, it was worthwhile. The neuroscience knowledge enabled us to combine the sporadic concepts we studied for twelve years into one. And it gave us direction how to develop a brand concept that can capture the heart and mind of consumers.

Our mission is to polish and refine product idea gemstones into the brand/product concept that keeps winning the hearts and minds of the consumers, fully using the formula of «Neuroscience X Consumer Insight + SNS Ideas»

It is the brain that focuses on, perceives, remember, evaluates and selects goods and brands.
Understanding the facts revealed in neuroscience is very important for marketing.

Neuroscience, however, cannot reveal "What", the mental representation of neuron maps that is the most important part for marketing, although it can clarify "Which network" is active "When" and "How"

Regarding the decipherment and creation of the brain concept "What", we need various knowledge related to consumer insights and the wisdom acquired in the practical experience of consumer insight surveys.

In the modern Internet Society, it is also necessar to consider the idea of SNS activity at the time of concept development. .

As a result of questing for the concept development method that can keep winning the heart of the consumers, we came up with the formula of «Neuroscience X Consumer Insight + SNS Ideas».

In the formula of «Neuroscience X Consumer Insight + SNS Ideas», we propose the brand concept that can win the heart of consumers to promote the initial purchase, trigger Consumer Buzz and create Customer Bonding.

Our mission is to polish and refine the product idea gemstones into the brand concept that keeps winning the hearts and minds of the consumers, fully using the formula of «Neuroscience X Consumer Insight + SNS ideas».